Ireland West Truck Show – 18th August 2024, Headford Mart, Headford, Co. Galway
Ireland West Truckshow is fixed for Sunday 18th August, 2024. This years show will be located in Headford (Mart), North County Galway (a hard core location).
Thanks to all who supported us last year and we welcome you back again in August.
We have decided to limit entries to tractor units (no trailers) and rigid trucks only. However, this year we have added the following 2 classes: ‘Recovery Vehicles’ & ‘Working Truck over 5 Years of Age’.
This years charity is Daisy Lodge, Cong, who provide respite for children and families affected by cancer.
Each driver who registers his truck on the day will receive:
Meal voucher & Show Plaque: All drivers who attend & register their truck at our show will each receive a meal voucher and Show Plaque. Free entry to family members if in the cab.
Drivers who wish to come on Saturday night are asked to phone Michael. Free finger food will be available but I require numbers for the chef so if you are planning to come on Saturday night please phone me mid-week beforehand at 087 2654865
Irelandwest-truckshow is unique among truckshows as all drivers who register
will receive a €5.00 food voucher which can be used at the catering unit
on the day.
The first 95 drivers who register will receive a brain teaser puzzle game which
will occupy their time while waiting to be unloaded and loaded.
The entry fee is €30.00 per truck, Drivers are asked to have the correct fee
when they arrive to reduce delays on entry.
Drivers who wish to be parked together are asked to arrive together.
Prizes will be allocated to the following categories:
Best:- Scania, Volvo, Merc, Man, Renault, Hino, Iveco, Daf, Rigid, Fleet, Light Commercials, Recovery vehicle, Working Truck Over 5 years & Truck of the Show.
Show Entry Fee is set at €30.00 per truck. This fee covers entry to the above categories. (A max for 3 or more €90.00 This includes fleet entry.)
Method of Payment:
– Payment on the day.
For more information phone Michael on 087 265 4865
Download Forms
For the attention of drivers who require letters of attestation. Click the buttons below to download all 3 forms.

As you drive on the Galway /Headford road (R84). The truck show site is
located to the right just after you pass Joyces Hardware Store.
Drivers who come via Shrule MUST go up through the town of Headford and turn
left at the traffic lights. Drivers are NOT to try and entre the site by turning in by
the side of the old Bank of Ireland. This laneway will be closed.
We wish the following shows which we understand will run this year every success;-
- Full of the Pipe Truck Show, Mondello Park, Co Kildare: 086 0850015
- Ossory Vintage Truck Show, Mountmellick, Co Laois. Seamus: 086 2306828
- North West Truck Show, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Robert: 086 2441350
- Tipperary Truck Show, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Paddy: 085 7665415
- Waterford Truck Show, Dungarvan Co. Waterford, John: 087 2020032
- Connaught Truck Show, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Jarlath: 087 1439239
- Evolution Truck Show, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Gerry: 087 7977525